Success is a reward

Success is the reward for character development.

-Paul Bamikole 

Against what most people will rather believe, success is not one big epic deal that is struck by chance. Success is the conscious creative repetition of habits. Success is a reward for character development than it is a reward for labor. People are paid for the value they provide. Look at how much you are currently earning, that should tell how much the value you provide is worth. Yet I'd like to let you know that value is ritualistic by nature, and can consciously be increased with time.
When you see a man being rewarded in public, look for what he has been doing in the secret. That fellow employee that got promoted instead of you, what is his secret? He got a raise, you have been striving to get, what is his secret?
Instead of whining, complaining, and being bitter, get to work. Make your character a project that you must work on. The moment you begin to confront your habits, and address your attitude is when success begins.
Remember, you deserve to be successful. You have the seeds in you. Get to work.
-Paul Bamikole


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