Dealing with Darkness as Matter and Energy
Naturally darkness cannot be measured, because it is weightless. Therefore darkness is not matter.
Howbeit, in the spirit realm, darkness has weight, occupies space, its presence can be felt and its impact seen, therefore Darkness is also matter.
In this context, since darkness is matter, it can be weighed and measured; and so we will rightly say darkness is an energy.
As Christians we must understand this, that darkness is an energy, and in order to deal with this cruel energy, we must introduce another energy more potent and higher than it.
Satan is called the Prince of Darkness.
But there is another Prince whose name is Jesus Christ.
He is the only one that went into the abyss of darkness, conquered it and came out victorious.
He is the only one that Darkness is sorely displeased, tormented and afraid of. His Name is injurious to darkness.
And thank God we have been given His glorious name, we are called with His name.
To as many as received Him(Jesus) to them gave He power to be become Sons of God.
We are named Sons of God by His name.
In the continuous war against darkness His name is our most potent weapon, for He is Light.
- Paul Bamikole
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