Authority: Paul Bamikole
Title: A Stranger
You want me to be your brother,
But when I stretch forth my hands in embrace,
You turn, walk away, and hug another.
I stand so long waiting for you to show up,
But my legs weaken till I need a brace.
All the times I called you answered another,
Once you answered and answered "who is this?"
The pain of being hung up on causes me to shudder.
Each time I asked you to dinner I got stood,
You were always too busy to spare a minute.
The seat I saved for you a stranger has taken;
I'm pained but you must know this,
A stranger now has my phone number,
And each time I call he answers.
A stranger knows my house and calls me friend,
And when I offend a stranger forgives.
A stranger fought for me when I was not looking;
When I asked ”why?” he laughs and says "you would have done the same".
I and a stranger fought and we have reconciled,
He says "you are messed up but I'm down with you, always".
I and a stranger talks like we are family,
And I find out that we are related;
Our pains, joy, fear, and desires are similar as they are familiar.
I never have to lie at the dinner when invited,
For in a stranger I found a brother.
And no, do not tell me blood is thicker than water.
For without water, what power has blood?
-Paul Bamikole
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